Home, sweet home

‘Home, sweet home’ is a public intervention that addresses the theme of the home as a collective memory entrusted to the dimension of memory and not as a geographical place. What I want is to invert the public/private paradigm, eliminating the physical and conceptual line between inside and outside to create a new space that transports the warmth of an already known environment. The use of wallpaper corresponds to the desire to retain common imagery, the memory of a generation that can recreate an entire scenario based on a single element. The result is an almost ephemeral work, a snapshot of a forgotten space, something that could have been in another life. In the end, I let time and nature play their role, gradually eliminating the paper and bringing everything back to its original state, almost underlining that there is no place like home. Dedicated to all land and sea travellers around the world, to those who had to leave and those who have finally arrived.


Home, sweet home, 2018
6×2,5 m
Public intervention for InterB, Urban Art Festival, Altea, Spain

Home, sweet home, 2018